How boredom can make you a better developer

The Amazing Effects That Boredom Can Have On Our Professional and Personal Lives

How boredom can make you a better developer


Boredom is a state of mind where minutes seem to stretch into hours, a complete and utter lack of interest and desire as Leo Tolstoy famously describes it :

"The Desire For Desires"

It is an emotion that is rarely felt in our day-to-day lives due to our ever-present digital companions. Our smartphones, tablets, and laptops have become constant sources of entertainment and information, ensuring that moments of stillness and quiet contemplation have become increasingly scarce.

The once-familiar boredom of waiting in line, staring out of a train window, or simply doing nothing at all is now filled with the endless scrolling of social media, binge-watching videos, gaming or listening to music.

The quietude of boredom, with its potential for creativity and self-reflection, has been replaced by an incessant stream of stimuli.

But this begs the question: does boredom have any advantages? And if so, can we use them to our benefit?

Let's find out :

The Benefits Of Boredom

In 2020, the book "Out of My Skull: The Psychology of Boredom" published by two leading psychologists James Danckert and John D. Eastwood. brought forward some interesting facts about the numerous benefits that boredom had on people.

Among these benefits are :

  • Motivation

When people experience boredom, it can motivate them to seek out new and stimulating activities. Boredom can act as a driving force for exploration and learning, pushing individuals to escape their comfort zones.

  • Problem-Solving and Creativity

Boredom encourages deeper thinking and reflection. When our minds are not occupied with external stimuli, they tend to wander, leading to more innovative ideas. It provides the mental space for individuals to analyze problems from various angles and come up with novel and imaginative solutions. Boredom can lead to "eureka" moments.

This is incredibly useful for programmers as boredom can be used as a powerful weapon to tackle complex coding challenges.

  • Rest and Recovery

Boredom serves as a natural break from constant activity. It allows individuals to rest, recover, and recharge, which is crucial for a developer after long hours of deep concentration and problem-solving, moments of boredom can be your oasis of tranquillity.

These moments provide a chance to step back, take a breath, and allow your mental gears to slow down.

Using Boredom to Our Advantage

Now that you are convinced that boredom is good, the next question naturally arises: How can you integrate this into your life? How can you actively invite more boredom in? The answer is surprisingly simple: take boring breaks.

Picture this scenario: You are working on an incredibly important project, but suddenly, you start losing focus, or perhaps you hit a roadblock, and frustration begins to creep in. and you contemplate giving up on your work. In such moments consider taking a boring break.

Set aside just 10 minutes to do absolutely nothing. You might meditate, indulge in daydreams, or even opt for the unconventional choice of staring at your wall – it sounds mundane, right? (and maybe a little crazy)

But in those 10 minutes of doing nothing, you might be surprised at how creative your mind can get, and you might find the solution to the problem that had you stuck, and an eager desire to return to your work will suddenly emerge.

All you have to do is be Bored.